Horticulture Dependability

Del Conte’s Landscaping has created its very own program for maintaining systematic, sound horticultural practices on a yearly schedule. This is called a S.L.A.P which stands for Scheduled Landscape Annual Program. This is why DCL is successful at delivering the proper treatments on a timely basis. Each year our team convenes to review and improve the past years’ monthly to-do list. Our SLAP’s have evolved over our 50 years in business to refined lists of duties for our teams each season so that there is virtually no detail within your property forgotten.
S.L.A.P incorporates approximately 20 different horticulture items per month to be managed and considered ensuring all elements of the season, latest and most complete turf care, arbor care and gardening elements are maintained timely and on target. Such items proactively considered range from when to treat for olive suppression to prevent the messy fruit from staining sidewalks and carpets, to the mapping in October of crab grass so it can be treated in February. Other items include fertilization intervals based on soil conditions, rose pruning, soil aeration and so on. These are just a few of the hundreds of items part of S.L.A.P we diligently consider for maintaining at its exact proper timeline. Our teams are known to have a check list for virtually everything we do to ensure success!